16.8.99 - 19.8.99
White Rim Trail – Canyonlands National Park

This national park is located between two rivers – one big one (The Colorado) and another big one (Green River).
Our trails went along the Colorado until it meets the Green River, and then up towards the beginning.
The ride was organized superbly, with the arrival to the beginning with the U-Haul carrying the bikes and equipment,
then loading it on the Landrover and the Blazer, and out we go.


The ride started well with a great downhill to the rocks above the Colorado, the road became relatively smooth when suddenly Yeela found herself flying in the air in a double twist, with an unpleasant landing. Avner took her to the hospital to be taken care of.
We continued in the ride, had a rest at noon to afternoon (due to the heat), and reached the first camp towards darkness.
At this stage a debate started about:
Will they come back today? What is Yeela’s physical state? If they don’t come back, can we continue, or we have to go back due to lack of water? And so on. Surprisingly, as the sun went down, here come our two heroes back to the trip, bruised but whole.


The next day continued with another ride in the same area, very fast ride, great weather, and we reached our destination very quickly. The end was a high climb to the top of a cliff. The most complicated climb was for the Blazer.
Again, one vehicle went to get fuel and additional supplies, so in the evening another debate started about similar subjects as the day before. Eventually they came back, and we could continue.


This day started with a long descent towards the meeting of the two rivers with Yoni leading in a very high pace. After a short break enjoying the view of the rivers, we started moving when Yoni found himself with a bike on the ground and a stem –handlebar apart. The whole thing squeaked in the last two days, and then snapped. This was a great luck that it happened then and not ten minutes before – the results could have been very bad. Yoni had to start driving, and he did till the end of that trip.
We got to the resting point in high noon, high temperature, and no shade. The artificial shade made from the cover between the two cars became handy, and then Erez warned us from the mosquitoes that will come to us as night falls. HE WAS RIGHT – the amount of mosquitoes was unbelievable. Dinner was steak with mosquitoes and bites. We were all dancing in the place to try and avoid them with no success.


This was a short day, and the group rode up the trail to the road outside the visitor center where the trip started.
We realized that there were too much water on the trip, and everyone had a shower from the water containers. There was even some spare water that was spilled.
The rest of the day was spent going back to Salt Lake City.


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Prepering our self
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Magnificent views
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Endless landscape
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Taking a rest 
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and another view
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and one more pose
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Green river
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yet another Campsite
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The End..... until n ext time

To all our friends and families you can send us mesagges trough "RECHASIM" e-mail account.

Contact information:

rechasim: mailexcite.com