Gideon & Jonathan's
Bar-Mitzva Tour

From Paris to London in seven days

Day 1 - Arriving to Paris at 1000 AM from "Charles Degaulle" airport - a site seen ride in Paris's and at noon - to the Tour de France From Paris to Mantis about 80 Km along the Sane river.

Day 2 - From Mantis along the Seine river passing Vernon and Les Andles to a small village before Roan. The attach photo is on a very high hill near Les Andles- total for the day 90 Km

Day 3 - Entering Rouen and attacking Honflier along the Sane - total for the day 118 Km

Day 4 - Passing Honfleur and Along the cost to Cabourg this is the "Flowers road"
- 55 Km

Day 5 - To Caen - along the invasion beaches - 65 Km

Day 6 - The way to London 145 Km

Day 7 - London
Jonathan and me on the London bridge

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